RE: [Vo]:Negative Luminescence and the HotCatJones and Harry--

These ideas seem quite possible to me, particularly the phenomena of 
"galvanomagnetic (that's a nice term) luminescence.”

The thermocouple data is key to knowing the temperature and better calibration 
of the internal temperature based on the camera's  measured light spectrum.  
The time variation of this spectrum would be nice to know as well as the 
thermocouple data.   It might be linked to the input electrical signals, if 
they serve as an emissivity switch for the alumina and be pretty good proof of 
the negative luminescence.

The use of the magnetic and electric fields to change the absorption and 
emission of photons by the alumina may be the way the reaction is controlled.  

The assumption that there is any equilibrium in the reactor and, hence, black 
body radiation from it surface, is not correct IMO.

Bob Cook
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jones Beene 
  Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2014 7:17 AM
  Subject: RE: [Vo]:Negative Luminescence and the HotCat

  From: H Veeder

  > Negative luminescence is a physical phenomenon by which an electronic 
device emits less thermal radiation when an electric current is passed through 
it than it does in thermal equilibrium (current off)… When viewed by a thermal 
camera, an operating negative luminescent device looks colder than its 


  This is a good find, Harry … wish it had come up earlier. It could salvage 
some of the Levi report, as obviously it would partly explain the color 
temperature variance. We need that thermocouple data.

  I was unaware of the phenomenon. Below is more from the entry with comments 
interspersed - which makes negative luminescence sound like it is expected from 
the “exciton” segment of our prior explanation which would be a part of” triple 
coherency” in laser-like device (along with photos and phonons):

  “Negative luminescence is most readily observed in semiconductors. Incoming 
infrared radiation is absorbed in the material by the creation of an 
electron–hole pair. An electric field is used to remove the electrons and holes 
from the region before they have a chance to recombine and re-emit thermal 
radiation. This effect occurs most efficiently in regions of low charge carrier 

  [as to the caveat that alumina is not a semiconductor, but does have low 
charge carrier density - it can be noted that alumina is dielectric at moderate 
temperature but becomes more and more conductive at elevated temperature]

  “Negative luminescence has also been observed in semiconductors in orthogonal 
electric and magnetic fields. In this case, the junction of a diode is not 
necessary and the effect can be observed in bulk material. A term that has been 
applied to this type of negative luminescence is galvanomagnetic luminescence.”

  “Negative luminescence might appear to be a violation of Kirchhoff's law of 
thermal radiation. This is not true, as the law only applies in thermal 

  “Another term that has been used to describe negative luminescent devices is 
"Emissivity switch", as an electric current changes the effective emissivity.”

  [negative luminescence would probably not effect 7 micron IR]

  Given that Levi did know of this phenomenon – and that it could be helpful in 
the context of the experiment – all he needs to do is release the thermocouple 
data which may not support the highest gain, but probably is more accurate than 
the IR calculations (thermography). Better to salvage something than have 
everything perceived as wrong.

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