> From: Roarty, Francis X       Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2014 6:18 AM 
> are you implying this reaction can occur without gas loading? If your
> does require gas atoms what function do you assign them?

Dear Fran, Bob Cook, and vortex-l,

My interpretation of the evidence is that the primary gain mechanism is
active both when the nickel is in solid phase at lower reactor temperatures,
and when it is in liquid phase at high reactor temperatures.  The Lugano
nickel ash grain displays a high degree of sintering, if not a full liquid
state, IMHO.    Because of the liquid phase Ni activity, I suspect that bulk
gas loading is not required in order for the gainful reaction to occur, so
long as sufficient SPP and phonon resonances are possible.  Note that
enhanced evaporation near the melting point of nickel could create an
effective triple-point in the state phase diagram, which may imply a region
of stability which supports the persistence of the unique, actively-driven
nickel morphology despite it being in a liquid state.  The reactor control
system may be tuned to avoid exceeding this stable operating point, perhaps
even overriding the input control knob presented to the experimenters.

It may be a unique aspect of the Pd/D electrolytic process that requires
high loading, or perhaps high loading is required less for reactant
availability than for a conditioning regime involving morphological changes
to the electrode which enable phonon and SPP resonant coupling modes to
evolve sufficiently for LENR reactions to take place.  

Because of the high degree of correspondence between the thermal behaviors
of LENR reactions and MIMS reactions, I have been particularly focusing my
thoughts on the implications of this unusual polychromatic superradiance
that has been observed with MIMS, particularly the abundant soft x-rays in
the 75-100 eV range that are rapidly emitted.  

As a working model, I am picturing available monoatomic nickel atoms being
in a near-surface vapor phase, induced by SPP and/or phonon-enhanced
evaporation or sublimation that occurs at rates outside the ordinary
equilibrium vapor pressure regime.  I presume the lithium is also in a
monoatomic gas phase resulting from the reactor temperature.  Both of these
reactants are then coupled to the surface SPP and phonon activity via
electrostatics/EM, at similar distances above the surface.  Although a
three-body collision of high-speed gas particles is inherently rather
improbable, I suspect that EM field alignments are providing a
greatly-enhanced probability of Li-Ni-Li collisions.  The heavy nickel atoms
will tend to find stationary nodes, while the light lithium atoms are more
likely to be at high velocities driven by plasmon and phonon acceleration.
The simultaneous arrival of two lithium atoms at a nickel target atom from
opposite directions has an enhanced probability of occurring because of the
coherence of the acceleration applied by the system to the lithium.

I believe that a continuous neutron-exchange reaction cycle is taking place
between lithium and nickel, which includes the following reactions:

Li-7 + Ni-58 + Li-7 + stimulus -> 2Li-6 + Ni-58 + sr-gammas
Li-7 + Ni-60 + Li-7 + stimulus -> 2Li-6 + Ni-62 + sr-gammas
Li-7 + Ni-61 + Li-6 + stimulus -> 2Li-6 + Ni-62 + sr-gammas
Li-7 + Ni-62 + Li-7 + stimulus -> 2Li-7 + Ni-62 + enhanced sr-gammas (no
neutrons exchanged)
Li-6 + Ni-62 + Li-6 + enhanced stimulus -> 2Li-7 + Ni-60 + sr-gammas
Li-6 + Ni-64 + Li-6 + stimulus -> 2Li-7 + Ni-62 + sr-gammas
Li-6 + Ni-60 + Li-6 + stimulus -> 2Li-7 + Ni-58 + sr-gammas

There is a decay mode inherent to the reaction cycle which apparently
requires periodic SPP pumping to maintain equilibrium, which is the key
control parameter which prevents runaway.  The physical design of the
reactor system must also maintain operating conditions which enable this
inherent decay mode, or else runaway will result.  What I find remarkable is
how long the reactor can operate in self-sustain mode after the control is
stopped, which implies a very small decay coefficient in the reaction
feedback loop.  There are two potential sources for this small decay bias
that I am currently considering.  The first possible direction to catch my
eye is the small discrepancy in binding energies between Li-6 and Li-7,
which could create a bias in the cycle which drives it into shutdown without
external stimulus.  The other possibility is an asymmetry in the
superradiant output for various stages of the reaction cycle.  The answer
will be difficult to evaluate with the current state of
experimentally-derived data from MIMS phenomena.

As for the neutron-exchange reaction, I am currently investigating the
photodisintegration process, in which neutrons are released via photon
stimulation.  Observed instances of this phenomena have been the result of
much higher energy photon sources than we see in this system, however, I
suspect that the poorly-studied superradiance phenomena which I believe is
occurring is stimulating nuclear resonant modes sufficiently to permit
previously-unobserved levels of individual photon energy to initiate
photodisintegration-based neutron transfer.

I am spending a lot of time now musing on the nature of the pristine
transmutation products, entirely absent of unstable products, and only
including spin-0 isotopes of the nickel.  Unfortunately, I need to do a lot
more studying before I have learned enough about quantum nuclear processes
to be able to articulate my thoughts in terms sufficiently meaningful to
interested readers.  However, I will note that the unusual,
highly-stimulated nuclear resonance conditions that are presumed to arise
from the MIMS reaction seems to always produce the "best" result, possibly
because it is able to fluctuate rapidly between possible outcomes until the
most stable result is settled upon.  I really don't know what I'm talking
about when it comes to quantum anything, however, so please interpret this
statement generally and gently.

One new piece of evidence which I have concluded from analysis of the ash is
that the large iron grain observed in the fuel is Electrical Steel, aka
Silicon Steel, such as is commonly used in transformer core laminations.  It
is known for high permittivity.  The morphology of the grain reveals a
well-defined plane on the top, angling towards the bottom-left, which
appears to me to be an original surface of the steel lamination stock.   On
the right side of the grain are two significant "chunks" missing from the
grain, which are evident in two sets of bright lines at approximately right
angles to each other.  I believe these missing chunks are created by the
abrasive grain particles of a grinding wheel used to fabricate the fuel iron
grains from electrical steel flat stock.  Note that the crystal fractures
apparent in the grain align with these chunks, suggesting they are the
result of yield fractures during the grinding operation.

I hope this stimulates productive thinking!
Best wishes,
-Bob Ellefson

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