Can the wave function of an electron be divided and trapped?


October 28, 2014   Contact: Kevin Stacey   401-863-3766
Electrons are elementary particles — indivisible, unbreakable. But new
research suggests the electron's quantum state — the electron wave function
— can be separated into many parts. That has some strange implications for
the theory of quantum mechanics.

PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — New research by physicists from Brown
University puts the profound strangeness of quantum mechanics in a nutshell
— or, more accurately, in a helium bubble.

Experiments led by Humphrey Maris, professor of physics at Brown, suggest
that the quantum state of an electron — the electron’s wave function — can
be shattered into pieces and those pieces can be trapped in tiny bubbles of
liquid helium. To be clear, the researchers are not saying that the
electron can be broken apart. Electrons are elementary particles,
indivisible and unbreakable. But what the researchers are saying is in some
ways more bizarre.

In quantum mechanics, particles do not have a distinct position in space.
Instead, they exist as a wave function, a probability distribution that
includes all the possible locations where a particle might be found. Maris
and his colleagues are suggesting that parts of that distribution can be
separated and cordoned off from each other.

“We are trapping the chance of finding the electron, not pieces of the
electron,” Maris said. “It’s a little like a lottery. When lottery tickets
are sold, everyone who buys a ticket gets a piece of paper. So all these
people are holding a chance and you can consider that the chances are
spread all over the place. But there is only one prize — one electron — and
where that prize will go is determined later.”

If Maris’s interpretation of his experimental findings is correct, it
raises profound questions about the measurement process in quantum
mechanics. In the traditional formulation of quantum mechanics, when a
particle is measured — meaning it is found to be in one particular location
— the wave function is said to collapse.

“The experiments we have performed indicate that the mere interaction of an
electron with some larger physical system, such as a bath of liquid helium,
does not constitute a measurement,” Maris said. “The question then is: What

And the fact that the wave function can be split into two or more bubbles
is strange as well. If a detector finds the electron in one bubble, what
happens to the other bubble?

"It really raises all kinds of interesting questions," Maris said.

The new research is published in the Journal of Low Temperature Physics
​ <http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10909-014-1224-3>.​

Electron bubbles

Scientists have wondered for years about the strange behavior of electrons
in liquid helium cooled to near absolute zero. When an electron enters the
liquid, it repels surrounding helium atoms, forming a bubble in the liquid
about 3.6 nanometers across. The size of the bubble is determined by the
pressure of the electron pushing against the surface tension of the helium.
The strangeness, however, arises in experiments dating back to the 1960s
looking at how the bubbles move.

In the experiments, a pulse of electrons enters the top of a helium-filled
tube, and a detector registers the electric charge delivered when electron
bubbles reach the bottom of the tube. Because the bubbles have a
well-defined size, they should all experience the same amount of drag as
they move, and should therefore arrive at the detector at the same time.
But that’s not what happens. Experiments have detected unidentified objects
that reach the detector before the normal electron bubbles. Over the years,
scientists have cataloged 14 distinct objects of different sizes, all of
which seem to move faster than an electron bubble would be expected to move.

“They’ve been a mystery ever since they were first detected,” Maris said.
“Nobody has a good explanation.”

Several possibilities have been proposed. The unknown objects could be
impurities in the helium—charged particles knocked free from the walls of
the container. Another possibility is that the objects could be helium ions
— helium atoms that have picked up one or more extra electrons, which
produce a negative charge at the detector.

But Maris and his colleagues, including Nobel laureate and Brown physicist
Leon Cooper, believe a new set of experiments puts those explanations to

New experiments

The researchers performed a series of electron bubble mobility experiments
with much greater sensitivity than previous efforts. They were able to
detect all 14 of the objects from previous work, plus four additional
objects that appeared frequently over the course of the experiments. But in
addition to those 18 objects that showed up frequently, the study revealed
countless additional objects that appeared more rarely.

In effect, Maris says, it appears there aren’t just 18 objects, but an
effectively infinite number of them, with a “continuous distribution of
sizes” up to the size of the normal electron bubble.

“That puts a dagger in the idea that these are impurities or helium ions,”
Maris said. “It would be hard to imagine that there would be that many
impurities, or that many previously unknown helium ions.”

The only way the researchers can think of to explain the results is through
“fission” of the wave function. In certain situations, the researchers
surmise, electron wave functions break apart upon entering the liquid, and
pieces of the wave function are caught in separate bubbles. Because the
bubbles contain less than the full wave function, they’re smaller than
normal electron bubbles and therefore move faster.

In their new paper, Maris and his team lay out a mechanism by which fission
could happen that is supported by quantum theory and is in good agreement
with the experimental results. The mechanism involves a concept in quantum
mechanics known as reflection above the barrier.

In the case of electrons and helium, it works like this: When an electron
hits the surface of the liquid helium, there’s some chance that it will
cross into the liquid, and some chance that it will bounce off and carom
away. In quantum mechanics, those possibilities are expressed as part of
the wave function crossing the barrier, and part of it being reflected.
Perhaps the small electron bubbles are formed by the portion of the wave
function that goes through the surface. The size of the bubble depends on
how much wave function goes through, which would explain the continuous
distribution of small electron bubble sizes detected in the experiments.

The idea that part of the wave function is reflected at a barrier is
standard quantum mechanics, Cooper said. “I don’t think anyone would argue
with that,” he said. “The non-standard part is that the piece of the wave
function that goes through can have a physical effect by influencing the
size of the bubble. That is what is radically new here.”

Further, the researchers propose what happens after the wave function
enters the liquid. It’s a bit like putting a droplet of oil in a puddle of
water. “Sometime your drop of oil forms one bubble,” Maris said, “Sometimes
it forms two, sometimes 100.”

There are elements within quantum theory that suggest a tendency for the
wave function to break up into specific sizes. By Maris’s calculations, the
specific sizes one might expect to see correspond roughly to the 18
frequently occurring electron bubble sizes.

“We think this offers the best explanation for what we see in the
experiments,” Maris said. We’ve got this body of data that goes back 40
years. The experiments are not wrong; they’ve been done by multiple people.
We have a tradition called Occam’s razor, where we try to come up with the
simplest explanation. This, so far as we can tell, is it.”

But it does raise some interesting questions that sit on the border of
science and philosophy. For example, it’s necessary to assume that the
helium does not make a measurement of the actual position of the electron.
If it did, any bubble found not to contain the electron would, in theory,
simply disappear. And that, Maris says, points to one of the deepest
mysteries of quantum theory.

“No one is sure what actually constitutes a measurement. Perhaps physicists
can agree that someone with a Ph.D. wearing a white coat sitting in the lab
of a famous university can make measurements. But what about somebody who
really isn’t sure what they are doing? Is consciousness required? We don’t
really know.”

Authors on the paper in addition to Maris were former Brown postdoctoral
researcher Wanchun Wei, graduate student Zhuolin Xie, and George Seidel,
professor emeritus of physics.

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