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On Mon, 14 Nov 2005, Hugh Perkins wrote:

This looks pretty interesting. At a big-picture level, they're using similar
technology to OSMP - Lua scripting and Ogre3D - but they seem to have
professional experience of doing something very similar before, at Sony.
There seems to be a fair amount of emphasis on 2D things, such as flash. I
might consider slotting in some technology into Emma, rather than continuing
to build everything from scratch, but it depends on how far along they are
really (didnt check yet, though the screenshots are basically a couple of
ogre demo meshes, which doesnt bode really well, but who knows). Don't think
they are using Python, for better or worse.
Since OSMP is more and more modular, there's no reason that modules cant be
slotted easily into both OSMP and Emma, (and obviously into VOS too).

I'd point out that by your criteria, VOS is using similar technology -- Python and Crystal Space. The combination of a C++, a scripting language and an off-the-shelf 3D engine is kind of the obvious approach, isn't it? :-)

Hard to say how far along they are, since they don't (yet) have a Linux version and I haven't yet booted into Windows to try it.

Multiuser capability is on their list of features, but doesn't seem to figure too prominently. It is my belief that _scalable_ multiuser requires designing with network support in mind from day one, so I'm curious what their intentions are with that.

They've got the right idea though. Basically, they're designing a runtime environment to go hand in hand with a 2D/3D engine to simplify development of interactive applications. The goal being to make it possible to have a fairly high level interface for designing 3D apps, so that you can throw together a 3D world just by assembling pre-made components in a text file. It's a great idea, albiet one which was tried with VRML/X3D and has yet to live up to its promise...

It would be worth talking to them and see if there are any potential avenues of collaboration.

[   Peter Amstutz   ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ]
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