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A few notes on ongoing Windows support for VOS:

1. Microsoft has released Visual Studio 2005. Of particular interest is Visual C++ "express edition" which is currently free to download:


Important notes on setting up the Win32 Platform SDK here:

2. I'm working on automatically generating visual studio project and solution filesfrom our automake files. I had originally looked into using the msvcgen system developed for Crystal Space, but determined it would require just about as much effort to understand *their* system as to roll my own. So I've been hacking on this. Currently it generates viable vcproj files, and the code to generate solution files is done (but hasn't been tested). In true Unix tradition, the generator scripts are a somewhat sticky combination of shell, make, sed and m4, but for what it does it's actually a suprisingly small amount of code and avoids dependencies on large external tools such as Template Toolkit (required for Crystal Space's msvcgen). The m4 macros may require an advanced degree in computer science to understand, though. :-)

3. There's also a script I wrote a few months ago than generates nmake files from automake.

4. Although it goes against policy that "no file that can be generated automatically shall go into CVS", I'm thinking that I will commit the vcproj, nmake and solution files, because Windows users who would make use of these files are less likely to have the required Unix environment on hand to build them.

5. I now have access to Visual Studio 2003 and 2005, so those are the versions I intend to support. If the project files are basically the same, then I can support 2002 as well. Visual Studio 6? Bwahahahahah
hahahahah... no.

6. Mingw continues to be supported via the standard autoconf build system. My hope for this version is to figure out a workaround so that a cygwin install (for the file(1) command) is not required.

7. Building in Cygwin (with -mno-cygwin) is not at this time supported, although I can play around with itif someone feels strongly about it.

8. I'm working towards the 0.23 release. No firm date on that yet (likely January) and the focus of this release is to make it easy for new developers to build VOS with a minimum of hassle. The other major new feature of this release will be the XML Object Description (XOD) format for loading and saving collections of Vobjects, and a generic loader/saver architechture for object import/export to supported various file formats.

[   Peter Amstutz   ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ]
[Lead Programmer][Interreality Project][Virtual Reality for the Internet]
[ VOS: Next Generation Internet Communication][ http://interreality.org ]
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