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On Tue, 13 Dec 2005, Neil Mosafi wrote:

We will also need a way of specifying the destination of the event (a
"shoot" action would probably go to our avatar, but a "press button"
action would go to whatever is in front of us.  For mouse events, we want
to specify what is underneath the mouse pointer, and so forth.

Would actions have a source as well as a destination?  If so surely the
source of the "press button" action should be the user's avatar... how could
a browser press a button?

Good question!

Actually, because we would be representing the browser panel itself as a Vobject, it could very easily be a source of actions. After all, it is the user pressing a key in the browser window which represents the real input interaction. One of the primary uses of this is to send commands to your avatar which is located on the server, so it would be kind of odd for the avatar to be sending messages to itself, would it not? (Not to mention illegal in terms of the VOS protocol).

If appropriate, the browser event key could send the action to the avatar, and then the avatar would relay that event to the final target. This would cause the avatar was the source of the action.

- From a access control standpoint, VOS applies security checks when receiving a message from a remote site. Each connection to a remote site authenticates itself with a particular login (called an Identity), or else is anonymous. It is this identity (or lack thereof) which determines the particular policy check to apply to messages from that site. Thus, having the browser (on the client) issues action messages directly to vobjects on the server (as opposed to relayed through the avatar) may makes the most sense from the access control standpoint.

So to rephrase and answer your original question, it is not the browser pressing the button, it is the browser sending a message indicating that a button has been pressed.

[   Peter Amstutz   ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ]
[Lead Programmer][Interreality Project][Virtual Reality for the Internet]
[ VOS: Next Generation Internet Communication][ http://interreality.org ]
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