
navigation, wouldnt it make sense to make it more game/vrml-plugin way?

Well, for what its worth, the controls I've used in a few VRML plugins are horrid and I hates them.

I hope you dont mean the cosmo-plugin? ;)

 That's pretty subjective, though :-)

nope. It's a question how much successful you want terangreal to be:
The other (gamelike)interfaces are used/learned by most of 3d users.
If you come with a completly new interface, they have to learn your new one, or (if things go bad for terangreal) they try, get lost and dump VOS.
In most (not geek-user)cases its a question of 5 mins after download.
So if you want navigation to be subjective, then I think its the best way for a 'new' app, to use the most common interface and has other ways of of interface to choose/easy to configure. Else look at the games, they start a tutorial, only to learn users their controls.

The reasoning behind the current behavior of having to right-click to activate "turning" is that the usual gaming controls with mouselook on 100% of the time don't work with a windowed browser (as opposed to full screen). The mouse pointer tends to wander out of the window.

yup good point, I have to check again on some 3D games, I guess they 'turn' as long mouse is in 3d view, stop turn if outside/on interface controls.

You need to be able to recenter without whipping your viewpoint around in unintended directions. So the current controls are that the right mouse button toggles movement on and off.

I got stuck often locked in neverending spinning all around unable to unlock it again.

Did I tell that it seemed to me 'first view' 'second person view' did not change view?

In any event, what are your preferred controls? We do intend to make this configurable later on.

(and load the 'bookmark'-vip on first start after setup?)

I'm not sure I understand what you're asking?

on most internet browsers now, after install a site of the browsercompany is loaded, with more infos (sometimes it sucks ;) ).
On cortona an animated vrml-example flower is loaded.
I think they use it cause it gives most users the feeling 'it works'. Also this has the avantage that more info about the product can be displayed. When I first installed terangreal, I pressed the 'go' with no effect, it took a while before I discovered the 'bookmarks'. So guess after install a 3dwebapp-user suggest to see the '3dweb', not a grey app-surface.

Second not too easy to find for me was the username to configure.
(for example blaxxun ask the user in a little popup for his name, before loading the first world, which is stored then as the username in the app. Later userpreferences popup if doubleclicked on a name of the usernamelist)

Ok, might be it all subjective, this is my subjective thoughts about it ;)
But I think you should not underestimate such topics.



[   Peter Amstutz   ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ]
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