Hiya people.

Usually I just lurk here and dont talk much, but i've recently noticed something that may interest some of you:

The guys from LindenLab (SecondLife) have been hard at work trying to implement FireFox into their virtual-world enviroment. So far it looks pretty good - check this out: http://ubrowser.com/

Their own CrystalZilla, so to speak. FireFox in 3D.

They've encountered a problem though, and its name is work load. So, to speed things up abit... LindenLab's Cory is now offering a code bounty. Anyone who can fix the issue he's discussing will get a free region in SecondLife, with the payments paid for a year. (Thats a 195$ monthly worth of 'land'). If you can solve other issues, there's other benefits.

Details here: http://secondlife.blogs.com/prompt/2006/02/firefox_ubrowse.html

Enjoy. :D

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