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Oh good, on-topic discussion :-)

On Tue, 14 Mar 2006, Karsten Otto wrote:

Hello everybody,

Good news from the Ter'angreal on MacOSX front! Well, sort of...

By accident I found the reason why terangreal (and assumedly wxterangreal) just get stuck when I run them on my Mac. Terangreal uses its own main event loop (main.cc), which emulates the functions of the default CrystalSpace run loop. However, on the Mac CS needs to use a *different* run loop, as the code in csutil/generic/runloop.cpp clearly states. And sure enough, there is a different one in csutil/macosx/OSXAssistant.cpp.

Oh man. I forgot that Cocoa was annoying like that and didn't provide a GetEvents() type function. Which means Cocoa absolutely, positively must control the toplevel run loop and makes cooperative run loops impossible. I guess you should expect this kind of control freak behavior from a company run by Steve Jobs :-)

So I changed the code of apps/terangreal/main.cc like this:

 if (terangreal->Initialize ())
     while (!terangreal->wantToQuit) {

Okay, this is probably a valid fix, provided we still have a way to quit :-)

and sure enough, when starting it the "busy" spinner disappears!
I can even rotate the view by dragging the mouse!

Does the entire scene load correctly? You mentioned you were having problems with that before? Also, for mouse navigation, you use the right mouse button (command-click in OS X I think?) to toggle between mouselook mode and browsing mode, and in mouselook mode the left mouse button makes you walk forward. So if the mouse works, you should be able to move around.

Apart from that however, I cannot move around or anything. I assume Terangreal handles keyboard input etc. by itself in its custom run loop?

Perhaps it is failing to get keyboard focus in some way? Does walktest in Crystal Space work? All the keyboard handling in terangreal is with the event system provided with CS, we arn't doing anything strange.

Still, it is a step in the right direction... But since I know next to nothing about CrystalSpace, and even less about WX, could someone more versed in these arcane arts please fix (wx)terangreal to use csDefaultRunLoop() ?

WxTerangreal uses the Wx runloop, which should itself be implemented using the Cocoa runloop. The wxgl plugin takes wx events and translates them into CS events. I don't think there should be any problem there... The place to start is really with the "wxtest" program in CS, which I think you mentioned does not work either (it should be displaying a room which you can move around in)? You might want to bring this issue to the Crystal Space mailing list.

[   Peter Amstutz   ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ]
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