On Mon, Mar 27, 2006 at 01:16:53PM +0800, Lalo Martins wrote:
> Funny, that kind of ties into one other thing I have been thinking.  It
> is quite possible to have a VOS-based "directory" service, comparable to

Could the existing service directory system do this, with a bit of extra
structure?  The way it is now, you have a container vobject which is a
directory. If you want to put something in the directory, you create a
"hypercard" object which is just a vobject type for indirect links.  

[The main thing that service directory does other than just being a container is
to use multicast DNS to advertise the services on a LAN (this part needs to be
updated, actually, it uses libhowl which has been supercede by libavahi, if 
anyone is
looking for a small project :).]

On the TODO list for TerAngreal (on the Wiki I think), is connecting to one or
more service directories (including checking the local LAN) to list worlds to 
Also, to be able to store and manage contact/buddy lists for talk messages using
the same mechanism. 

> The
> authority to update data could then be purely cryptographic -- when a
> site sends an update, it also sends a signature.  

This would have to be done in an access control policy for inserting the pointer
Vobject.  You would just stick your signature in the message as an extra field I

> vip:{dsa}5103581E58E743BC4D30624A73E36EB01A4F3D49/fnord is a key-based
> URL, pointing to the server with that key.

One thing we really need to preserve is human readable URLs for the vip
transport. Systems that force you to use some extra directory service/weird
naming scheme other than just DNS are complicated to use and set up, 
and I don't really know of any that are in actual widespread use 
(unless you count Windows filesharing).

[Not that you couldn't have an alternative protocol other than VIP of course 
used some other method of giving names to hosts.  But VIP should still use IP a
ddresses or DNS names, even if restricted a bit.]


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