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Things have been quiet lately, but work is getting done. I am currently focusing my efforts on getting together VOS build system on windows that uses cygwin rather than mingw. I have gotten a bit stalled by a few bumps in Crystal Space, but progress is being made.

On the bzr front, I have also gotten a bit stuck on some bugs in bzr which have not yet been resolved (I need to see about harassing some bzr developers in the hopes that someone will fix it... or Lalo...)

My goal is to make it very easy to check out and compile VOS on each supported platform (Linux, OS X, Windows) and this has turned out to be very time consuming. However, I think this will pay off in the long run - -- it will be much much easier for future developers to compile the code, have it work on their platform, and be able to experiment with it (using bzr branching).

To anyone who has sent me patches: I haven't forgotten you. I'm just trying to get this all out of the way so that when I do return to actually coding VOS, I won't have to spend nearly as much time dealing with "how do I compile VOS"-type support issues. This is critical infrastructure work which has been long put off, but I think the project has grown to the point at which it couldn't be delayed any longer. It's unfortunate that what I thought would take perhaps a few weeks has turned into a multi-month effort, but I promise that the end result will put us on much better footing to go forward and also better support a community of contributers beyond just me & Reed.

Now, I should mention that although I haven't updated the web page, you can already try out the new build system. It is now based on a "bootstrap" script which handles downloading and build all of VOS (and all dependencies) from start to finish. Check it out: http://interreality.org/home/bzroot/vosscripts/vos-bootstrap

Then run

$ ./vos-bootstrap download     # get .tar.gz files over http, fast
$ ./vos-bootstrap bzr          # create bzr branch, warning very slow

And then sit back and let it work the magic. Please let me know if anything goes wrong! Or if anything goes right :-)

[  Peter Amstutz   ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ][  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ]
[Lead Programmer][Interreality Project][Virtual Reality for the Internet]
[ VOS: Next Generation Internet Communication][ http://interreality.org ]
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