"Doing Composite Applications Right"
eWeek (10/16/06) Vol. 23, No. 41, P. D6; Sippl, Roger

Above All Software Chairman Roger Sippl defines a composite application as
the combination of functionality from multiple applications and systems
into a single interface in which "the source and underlying complexity of
where all the information resides remains transparent to the user."  He
offers a list of 10 rules for building and implementing composite
applications.  Sippl advises developers to comprehensively exploit all
information assets, including the underlying metadata particular to each
system, and to responsively contend with new information assets without
revising the entire application and workflow.  Addressing semantic issues,
deploying composite applications according to the target audience's
specific requirements, and accelerating time to market are also
recommended.  Sippl says developers should practice caution and not move
data if they do not have to, a strategy that avoids uncontrolled data
redundancy.  He also calls for the establishment of practical application
building blocks or "business services" that are designed for reuse and
integration, and that business owners can comprehend and work with.  Sippl
says working with metadata as opposed to the data layer guarantees the
flexibility of the application, while complying with all built-in
application and system security mechanisms while maintaining a transparent
security infrastructure is vital.  His final piece of advice for developers
is to ensure that the composite applications align with the
service-oriented architecture:  "They must interoperate with the other key
elements of your infrastructure or else you're likely creating more silos,"
Sippl concludes.

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