S Mattison wrote:
> What do you think Ter'Angreal would benefit the most from?

Here's my ranking:

(5) > A- A name change. (Interreality, VOS, TerAngreal, what is what!)
(3) > B- A new UI. (Get rid of the menu bar, make the status bar smaller,
> etc. Specify.)
(1) > C- A wider variety of worlds.
(2) > D- A world that you can add hyperlinks to, to your personal world.
(?) > E- New Networking Code/framework.
(4) > F- An icon. (I vote for http://chibitek.com/ter.ico ...)

I'm not sure what you mean by E. Do you mean not using VOS? Or do you 
mean to make VOS easier to use for implementing active behaviors or 
whatever in worlds?

The most important things we can do right now are to get more people 
involved creating worlds and applications; this then requires linking 
those worlds to other worlds and also into a directory (we have a way to 
   have a directory server but it's not used currently).   Terangreal 
also needs more features, even if the UI is not that pretty (though that 
can be improved).

To everyone on the list, what are the current obstacles that you need 
removed before you can proceed with your plans/ideas/etc.?

Once more people are able to try stuff out using Interrality3D and VOS, 
then we will have more concrete ideas on what to implement/fix/change etc.

I'm not completely sure of the access control policies of the current 
really simple worlds but they may be open for any remote object to be in 
them, so you can try just putting hypercards in there.  We can test this 
and make some instructions on how to set that up in an omnivos 
configuration or using mesh.

Terangreal's UI should be modular, basically. I.e. you should be able to 
hide/show any part of it, and various components should be in libraries 
that can be reused in different apps.  Right now you can hide the 3D 
window and the Chat window, but not yet the menu, a keystroke to do that 
would be nice.

Also, Terangreal is not intended to have a slick game-like UI, since the 
  main goal of Terangreal at this stage is to be a utilitarian tool, and 
as a harness for bringing all components together.  Later it could be 
skinnable for a specific application but that's sort of in the future at 
this point.


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