Heads up on some changes I'm going to make in the next week or so in
case anyone wants to coordinate changes.

I'm almost done with a few changes I made to libmetaobject_misc.  I also
changed mesh and libvos slightly.

It used to be that there were two seperate types, factory.cod and
factory.compound, though only factory.compound was actually implemented.

What I did was comment out factory.cod, we can implement it later when

factory.compound will work the same-- you give it a set of types for an
object you want created.

Then I added a common base type, "misc:factory".  The local factory
metaobject, however, is a pure virtual base class, you need to implement
a local version which creates object(s) given a simple "create" message,
no parameters assumed (it then replies witht he URL to the new object,
like factory.compound).   I will include one local factory
implementation, "factory.stored", which loads a COD or XOD or other
Vobject from a property.   There's a simpler one in a test program too.

I also will add a new metaobject called "ui:actions". This simply has
properties that describe messages that you can send to the object with
user-friendly labels.  This makes it easy to expose certain VOS messages
directly to the user. For example, "factory-create" :)

Next, I think I might add selecting an object to TerAngreal (unless it's
already there in some form) and when an object is selected, add a little
side-pane that has basic info about the object, and checks the object
for "ui:actions" and makes a button for each action. We can also add
here buttons for future  built-in object operations we add to TerANgreal.


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