Ken Taylor wrote:
> Peter Amstutz wrote:
>> 1.  Memory footprint
>> The current s4 design has a lot of per-vobject overhead, leading to a
>> significant memory footprint.  The development version improves on this
>> a bit, but the honest truth is that the implementation was not written
>> with memory efficiency in mind.  The s5 design will attempt to address
>> in various ways, including attempting to directly minimize the byte
>> count of crucial classes and data structures, and by using the
>> "flyweight" pattern to collapse identical classes into a single shared
>> instance.
>> In particular, symbols (method names, message fields, types, etc) will
>> be stored in a single global symbol table.  This will ensure that such
>> strings (which are expected to be used a lot in the system) are not
>> duplicated, and has the convient effect of also making string comparison
>> a constant-time pointer comparison instead of a linear time compare.
> This seems like a very good optimization, given how string-heavy the system
> is. Could string tables also be used to compress COD files more? How about
> network optimization by having two sites "share" a string table (or have a
> static standard string table of commonly used strings in the "core"
> protocol?). Also ... are properties stored as strings at the moment or as
> native bytes (I actually don't know this)? If they're stored as strings,
> compressing them to native data structures would probably be a big win too
> (same thing goes for properties with storing them in COD and sending them
> over the network).
> [I also had another idea related to network optimization -- which is
> unrelated to memory footprint. The idea is particularly for large worlds
> with lots of objects to listen to: instead of listening update messages
> sending the whole message string and object identification, etc, have an
> "optimized listen" protocol, where a chosen-at-runtime "tag" is used to
> identify a certain kind of update message coming from a specific object, and
> that's all you need to have in the network traffic (other than the actual
> updated values, of course). This could even be done transparently at the
> network interface level]
>> Another method for making the most out of the memory will be the ability
>> to load vobjects from persistant storage on demand, and swap out rarely
>> used vobjects.  This will allow a site to contain many more vobjects
>> than would otherwise fit in RAM.  This
> Could this also be extended to support persistant transparent caching of
> remote sites that have been visited? Perhaps paired with a new method to
> query certain information about vobjects, such as is-cacheable and
> last-updated/version?
>> To reduce the footprint of vobjects themselves, I am introduce a concept
>> called "embedded children".  These are objects that appear in protocol
>> terms to be independently addressable vobjects that can send and receive
>> messages, but are actually stored as a field of another vobject.  This
>> emerged from the observation that while it was extremely powerful from a
>> design pattern standpoint for properties to be first-class vobjects, in
>> s4 this often led to situations where it hundreds of bytes of overhead
>> to store even a single four byte integer (for example).  As an embedded
>> child, the child vobject is simply a normal data field in the parent
>> class, and it falls upon the parent sends and receives messages on
>> behalf of the child.
> Sounds reasonable... What reasons (other than asthetics/symmetry) are there
> for properties to be first-class? Will a property object ever have children?
> Will one ever be at site root with no other parent? Will one ever be a
> meta-object other than "property"? I guess you could have two parents
> sharing the same property if it's a big one ...

Heh, well actually we tried that :)

In s2 properties were indelible components of their parent objects. But
it made everything more complicated and made the properties themselves
much less useful.

Being able to share properties is a critical feature of VOS that has
emerged. And all the usefulness that comes from metaobjects/vobjects
too-- Pete mentioned FileProperty and ExtrapolatedProperty (which no
longer exist), but the new vostoolbox library I've been working on
recently has several property subclasses; since they're metabobjects you
can instantiate them remotely (e.g. in mesh, "create foo"

With s5's new "embedded" children, you will still be able to optionally
override an embedded child with a full Vobject.

> Yes. I've run into this "ls at site root" problem and it's a bit annoying :)
> And orphaned vobjects just seem like a lose.

Related to this, I added a new setting and command to mesh, "cache". The
setting does an initial request for all objects when you enter a new
object to cache them.   This doesn't actually solve the problem (since
you still have to wait for the initial cache) but it makes the actual
"ls" command operate at a reasonable speed.  Set settings in mesh with
the "set" command (and you can put this command or any other commands in


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