
Vejam a nota abaixo onde se afirma que diretores e conselheiros da Diebold (fabricante de urnas-e tanto americanas com brasileiras) são fortes contribuintes de campanha eleitoral de candidatos do Partido Republicano americano.

Esta nota foi tirada de:
Voter Verification Newsletter -- Vol 1, Number 9
August 12, 2003

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   Political insiders say it would be virtually impossible - given the
   firm's political connections - for Blackwell, a Republican, to not
   have Diebold on his final list.

   Diebold chief executive Walden O'Dell is a generous contributor to
   Republican campaigns and fund-raisers, from the Republican National
   Committee and White House on down.

   He and his wife donated a combined $8,500 to Gov. Bob Taft between
   June 2001 and October 2002, state records show, and Taft subsequently
   appointed O'Dell to the board of trustees at Ohio State University.

   W.R. "Tim" Timken, one of Ohio's most influential Republicans, is on
   Diebold's board. Members of the Timken family contributed almost
   $66,000 to Republican campaigns in Ohio from 2000 to 2002.

   Also, former White House chief of staff John Sununu, a longtime
   political supporter of Blackwell's, visited Ohio at one point to
   discuss forming a joint venture to help promote Diebold in its former
   incarnation as Global Election Systems.


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