ISP Rejects Diebold Copyright Claims Against News Website
> EFF Defends Right to Publish Links to Electronic Voting Memos
> San Francisco - Defending the right to link to controversial information
> flaws in electronic voting systems, EFF announced this week that it will
> an Internet Service Provider (ISP) and a news website publisher against
> of indirect copyright infringement from the electronic voting machines'
> manufacturer.
> "What topic could be more important to our democracy than discussions
about the
> mechanics and legitimacy of electronic voting systems now being introduced
> nationwide?" said EFF Staff Attorney Wendy Seltzer.  "EFF won't stand by
> corporations like Diebold chill important online debate by churning out
> notices to ISPs that usually just take down legitimate content rather than
> the legal risk."
> Links:
> For the full release:
> <>
> Cease-and-desist letter sent by Diebold to OPG:
> <>
> Security researchers discover huge flaws in e-voting system:
> <>
> Chilling Effects Clearinghouse on DMCA safe harbor provisions:
> <>


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