
Os Americanos podem ser Terroristas, Chantagistas, Protecionistas, etc... Mas, não são bobos ...

Até quando o         Fraudador da Constituição     vai mandar no TSE e no desgoverno do PT?

Paulo Castelani-Umuarama Pr. 

>From: Amilcar Brunazo Filho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Subject: [VotoEletronico] Urnas-E suspensas em Ohio 
>Date: Thu, 04 Dec 2003 17:31:12 -0200
>Acaba de ser suspenso o uso de urnas eletrônicas no Estado americano
>de Ohio.
>Depois de estudar o problema, o Sec de Estado Kenneth Blackwell
>declarou que o uso das atuais urnas-e americanas (sem voto impresso
>verificado pelo eleitor) está suspenso e que não serão utilizadas
>nas eleições de 2004. Posteriormente elas poderão ser utilizadas
>desde que se prove sua confiabilidade.
>Com isto, é o terceiro estado americano, nos últimos 30 dias, que
>decreta o fim das máquinas eletrônicas de votar sem voto
>materializado conferido pelo eleitor. Antes de Ohio, a Califórnia e
>Michigam haviam determinado que máquinas de votar devem emitir o
>"voter verifiable audit trail".
>[ ]s
>Amilcar Brunazo Filho
>>Date: Thu, 04 Dec 2003 15:34:15 -0200
>>Subject: Ohio Halts E-Voting  Machines
>>>Ohio Halts E-Voting Machines
>>>Associated Press
>>>Story location:
>>>06:22 PM Dec. 03, 2003 PT
>>>COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The state's top elections official said Tuesday
>>>that security problems found in new touch-screen voting systems
>>>mean they won't be in place statewide in time for the November
>>>2004 presidential election.
>>>Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell said some of the new voting
>>>machines would be installed in August, some in November and the
>>>rest in 2005.
>>>That means some of Ohio's 88 counties still will be using
>>>punch-card systems for the 2004 election. Problems with punch
>>>cards in Florida left the outcome of the 2000 presidential race in
>>>doubt for more than a month.
>>>The four electronic touch-screen systems must be proven secure
>>>before Ohio voters use them, Blackwell said. His office will work
>>>with the manufacturers to ensure the problems are corrected, he
>>>Ohio and much of the rest of the nation are upgrading voting
>>>equipment under legislation passed by Congress after the 2000
>>>The state must ask the Federal Election Commission for an
>>>extension in complying with the law, Blackwell spokesman Carlo
>>>LoParo said.
>>>Companies that tested the security systems of the four machine
>>>types found software that permits votes to be counted more than
>>>once, and a risk that unauthorized poll workers or others could
>>>gain access to the system.
>>>Identical passwords were discovered for more than one poll worker,
>>>while voting booth cases did not provide for locks, leaving a risk
>>>of tampering during transportation of ballots.
>>>Each of the voting systems provided by the four vendors -- Diebold
>>>Election Systems, Sequoia Voting Systems, Election Systems &
>>>Software and Maximus/Hart Intercivic/DFM Associates -- has
>>>multiple but not identical problems, Blackwell said.
>>>Mark Radke, a Diebold executive, said the company already had
>>>fixed problems in machines used in municipal elections in
>>>"These software enhancements will be implemented in all
>>>touch-screen units deployed within Ohio and the process-related
>>>questions are addressed in the Diebold Election Systems training
>>>manuals," Radke said.
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>eleitorais informatizados, em especial o brasileiro, e dos
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>Pagina, Jornal e Forum do Voto Eletronico

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