
Depois da Califórnia, agora foi o Estado americano de Nevada que decretou que todas as máquinas de votar naquele estado devem imprimir o voto para conferência do eleitor (Voter Veriable Print Aundit Trail - VVPAT), conforme anúncio do Secretário de Estado Dean Heller em 10 de dezembro passado.
Dados em http://sos.state.nv.us/press/121003.htm

A Califórnia, primeiro estado a exigir o voto impresso nas urnas-e, é o estado mais adiantado em informatização (é lá que está o Vale do Silício). Agora foi o Estado de Nevada a exigir o VVPAT, o que é muito significatico, já que Nevada tem muita experiência na fiscalização e certificação de máquinas eletrônicas por causa do jogo em Las Vegas.

Será que eles são paranóicos ao quererem se defender de fraudes eletrônicas nas eleições ou somos nós, brasileiros, ingênuos que aceitam a falácia do TSE de que nosso sistema eleitoral eletrônico É INFALÍVEL?

Vejam a nota abaixo, recebida da lista de debate Voter Verification Newsletter -- Vol 1, Number 16 December 19, 2003 http://www.verifiedvoting.org


Nevada Secretary of State Dean Heller announced on December 10 that all
Nevada's new voting machine purchases will include a voter verifiable
receipt printer (NOTE: We disapprove of the word receipt because it leads
people to believe voters will be able to carry them out of the polling
place, even though that is not how the Nevada machines will work). All DRE's
currently in use will be upgraded to include a printer by 2006. His press
release says:

"Voting is the most fundamental freedom Americans enjoy; it is the backbone
of a free and democratic society. As the State's Chief Elections Officer, my
duty is clear: to provide voters with the highest level of confidence that
elections in this state are fair, unbiased and secure. These critical
principles led to my decision to be the first state in the nation to demand
a vendor to include a voter verifiable receipt (VVR) printer on all DRE
machines in time for the 2004 election."

We have heard that this is not precisely correct, and that only new machines
will have voter verifiable printers before November 2004. The majority of
the population of Nevada is in Clark County, which already has older
electronic voting machines. These may not be retrofitted by 2004.

Before making this decision, Heller spoke with Nevada Senator John Ensign,
who wrote the audit trail language in the Help America Vote Act. Ensign said
HAVA was intended to require a system that "permits voters to verify their
vote at the time it is cast and used as the official record for recounts".

Unfortunately, HAVA is being perversely interpreted to mean that the voter
can verify his or her vote on the touch screen, and paper records can be
printed after the polls close.

Another interesting development: In response to the Nevada Gaming Control
Board's review of Diebold and Sequoia voting machines, Heller has decided to
deploy Sequoia systems statewide. Sequoia systems are already being used in
Clark County, which has 70% of the population. The summary of the report
from the Board includes this statement: "...the Diebold electronic voting
machine, operating on the software analyzed in a John Hopkins report and the
SAIC (Science Applications International Corporation) Risk Assessment
Report, represents a legitimate threat to the integrity of the election

Gambling machine security is about as good as computer security gets
(although the machines are still defrauded occasionally). The Nevada gaming
commission knows more about electronic fraud than anyone in the voting
business. I suspect that partly explains Nevada's new paper trail

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