The state of California, as well as the state's Alameda County, this
week joined a lawsuit filed by a computer programmer and voting rights
advocate against Diebold Inc. for selling faulty hardware and software
for electronic voting. The original plaintiffs, Jim March and Bev
Harris, are asking the courts to force Diebold to refund all of the
money paid to it for the state's electronic voting machines. Problems
with Diebold's products caused more than half of the polling places in
San Diego County to open late for the state's March primary, and at
least 6,000 voters in Alameda county had to use paper ballots instead
of Diebold's electronic voting machines. Lowell Finley, attorney for
the original plaintiffs in the case, said the decision to join shows
that the "state clearly believes there's merit to the case."
Meanwhile, the state decided not to file criminal charges against
Diebold, a move state voting officials considered after California
Secretary of State Kevin Shelley decertified one Diebold system for
being unreliable and jeopardizing the state's elections.
San Jose Mercury News, 8 September 2004

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