Dorie (My Wife) has finally gotten her own computer. I am now resetting up
my computer as a dual hard drive and dual boot system. I am considering a
tripple boot system. I am going to need M$ for a class next semester and I
am considering using either VMWare to boot M$ from Linux (I have 384MB
SDRAM) or just doing a dual boot system. I am also considering setting up a
second Linux Partition for exparimentation. I have a habbit of playing with
things until they break and then attempting to fix them it is how I usually
learn, but I need to keep a working OS for normal uses.

I will fdisk my hard drives and Format them and either reinstall M$ 98 and
then Linux on the two hard drives or use VMWare. Is their another Open
sorced solution to VMWare?

hard Drive 1 6GB hard drive 2 15GB
I will use 3GB for Windows (Unless I use VMWare)
10+GB for Linux the rest for experimentation on Second Linux Install.

I am looking for suggestions on setting this up I am considering spending
the money for Partition Magic and Boot Magic, but I would prefer another
solution. Thanks in advace for the help with this.

Rusty Minden
Scientia non est potentia, quae prologum potentia solidum est.
Knowledge is not power, but the prelude to power.
........................................................     why wouldn't you? 

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