I've been working on a couple of projects where I paste textual material from Netscape into a word processor.  I've made a disturbing discovery.  This works better on Windows than Linux.  For example, if in Windows I paste textual material from Netscape into either WordPerfect or MS Word the material is transplanted without problem.  However when, in Linux, I paste from Netscape  to WordPerfect 8 for Linux I get broken lines like this:

"Mary had a little
lamb whose fleece was white as snow, and everywhere that Mary went the lamb was sure to go."

This makes it inefficient to use Linux because I have to use "Backspace" to put the lines in order.  In other words, in the example above, I have to put the cursor in front of "lamb" on the second line and use "Backspace" to move material  up to the line above.

For me, this is actually a big problem because given the work I expect to be doing it will make the difference whether my next system will be a pure Linux system or a dual boot.

Can anybody explain why Linux does not work as well as Windows in this case?  Is there something I can do to fix this problem?

Thank you.


Robert G. Scofield

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