SSI can do that, like this:

      <!--#include virtual="/www/pcgm/bulletins" -->

I *think* that's the right syntax.  It's been eons since I've used SSI.
Depending on the host, you may need to name your file with a special
extension, like ".phtml" or something.  Of course, the server needs to
support SSI.

Better way would be with PHP:

         $fp = fopen("/www/pcgm/bulletins", "r");

You'll most likely need to name the file with a special extension like
".php3" or ".php".  Of course, the server needs to support PHP for this to


On Sat, 2 Feb 2002, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:

> suppose i have a web page
> <HTML>
> <HEAD><TITLE>Bulletin Board</TITLE></HEAD>
> <BODY>
> </BODY>
> </HTML>
> and i'd like to put the contents of some file in the body, formatted as
> verbatim text (say, between pre tags).  i'd like to do something like:
> <HTML>
> <HEAD><TITLE>Bulletin Board</TITLE></HEAD>
> <BODY>
> <PRE>
> `cat /www/pcgm/bulletins`
> </PRE>
> </BODY>
> </HTML>
> how can i do this?  i *think* php can do this, but i don't know a lick
> of php.  can someone give me explicit instructions on how to do this
> sort of thing?
> if it makes a difference, i'm putting a form on the same page that adds
> text to /www/pcgm/bulletins.
> pete
> --
> The mathematics [of physics] has become ever more abstract, rather than more
> complicated.  The mind of God appears to be abstract but not complicated.
> He also appears to like group theory.  --  Tony Zee's `Fearful Symmetry'
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