On Sat, 2002-02-02 at 23:44, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> jim, just out of curiosity, in my hypothetical webpage:
>    <HTML>
>    <HEAD><TITLE>Bulletin Board</TITLE></HEAD>
>    <BODY>
>    <PRE>
>    `cat /www/pcgm/bulletins`
>    </PRE>
>    </BODY>
>    </HTML>
> where would the perl code go?  (i am a total newbie in dynamic webpage
> content).   sorry if this question is painful, but i honestly don't
> know.  :)

It, uh, wouldn't :)

You'd need to generate the entire page from a Perl CGI - or, use a Perl
package such as Mason (HTML::Mason?) to create web "templates" where you
can stick your Perl code, and edit your configuration file to know how
to automatically invoke the Perl stuff appropriately. Can't really help
you there.


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