Im so used to suse.
It allows me to check on devices like windows.. only it works.

Disreguard my babble please As im trying to find the info i had to back it
up and it isnt getting found.  I was using an olderversion/kernal. And
wonder if this version has changed anything.

Im not a programmer. so please excuse me when I dont do things like you.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Jay Salzman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2002 2:55 AM
Subject: Re: [vox-tech] usb woes

> begin Erik Mullinix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > When I went through the device management for my mouse
> > (usb) and tried my scanner. it was coming up under the scsi device list.
> > unnaccessable innicialy.Did you know suse has a nice scanner utility ?
> device management?   what's device management?  are we talking about
> windows or linux?
> there appears to be no evidence that the kernel is mis-managing the
> devices.  at least, none that i can see.  maybe this is a windows (or
> suse) thing?  i dunno.  it's just hard to believe the linux would
> misregister hardware.  especially hardware plugged into completely
> different ports.
> > and I dont have it overclocked. I think there is a problem with the
> > controls for the pci buss.
> wierd.  did you know that there were bad problems of people selling over
> rated celeron chips?   apic errors are very rare.  except when a CPU is
> run at a speed faster than its rating.
> i forget the details, but there are websites out there that can tell you
> if you have a mislabelled celeron.  even fox news ran a story on this
> about 3 years ago.
> pete
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