bleah.  rod, thanks for reminding me to look in the obvious place.
to use a common phrase "thanks, i needed that!".    :-)   it didn't even
occur to me that this would be so fully discussed on the newsgroups.  i
was under the impression that it would be simple: boy sets signal, boy
gets signal and they live happily ever after.  i wasn't expecting

i took one look at the first discussion and my heart sank.  yes, it
looks like  a complex issue.  guess i have some heavy reading to do.

thanks for the tip!

begin Rod Roark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Evidently this is a complex topic.  I don't have the answer offhand 
> but if you go to google, click Groups, then Advanced Groups Search, 
> then search for "SIGFPE" in comp.os.linux.*, you'll find some 
> informative discussion.
> -- Rod
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