I try to get partitons right the first time, since moving them about sucks.

i usualy have 7 partions as follows on my workstation


/mnt/windows    yeah, I dual boot.....
/var            This tends to be always in use....
swap            Ditto


/boot           I do this out of habit, probably don't need it.
/               System config and tools
/usr            User software
/home           My stuff!

It's almost always a good idea to give /home it's own partition,
since if you decide to install a new distro, you don't kill your
personal config and stuff.

On Thu, Mar 21, 2002 at 11:57:39PM -0800, ME wrote:
> Things you may want to move to other partitions (in common order): YMMV
> /usr/local   (My first choice)
> /home        (If you have lots of users...)
> /var         (a potential rat hoel with web docs and log files...)
> /var/log     ( on a busy server, this can amount to lots of used space)
> /var/www     ( "  "    web "   "              "           ")
> /tmp         ( useful for gimp (etc) to have a tmp not on "/"

I just link /tmp to /var/tmp

> /usr         ( Some distros even put stuff in /usr/sbin and /usr/bin
>                 that is needed for booting, so this is questionable.)
> /boot        ( shown last since it often has very little data if sep
>                 partition is used for it.)
> Things you probably DONT want to move to other partitions (keep on "/")
> (Most important to keep to least important):
> /     (of course... heh)
> /etc  (Need this for /etc/fstab for one....)
> /lib  (Where are your modules stored?)
> /sbin (bad one to take away...)
> /dev  (devfs reason shy this not as important)
> /bin  (Some distros need stuff here to get other fs up too...)
> Many of these last parts (depending on distro) have "things" required by
> the system during boot in order to get other filesystems mounted/usable.
> Also, when you copy stuff, be sure to play with :
> # cp -ar 
> or
> # cp -aR  (when copying device special b,c,f, etc files)
> Short-term solutions:
> del core files, 
> visit any open src trees and make clean them,
> look through each user's account and destroy netscape cache's (or other
>  borwser caches),
> find and eliminate emacs backup files *~,
> You get the picture...
> Hope this helps.
> -ME
> P.S. hope this e-mail does not put you over 100% ;-)
> Version: 3.12
> GCS/CM$/IT$/LS$/S/O$ !d--(++) !s !a+++(-----) C++$(++++) U++++$(+$) P+$>+++ 
> L+++$(++) E W+++$(+) N+ o K w+$>++>+++ O-@ M+$ V-$>- !PS !PE Y+ !PGP
> t@-(++) 5+@ X@ R- tv- b++ DI+++ D+ G--@ e+>++>++++ h(++)>+ r*>? z?
> ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
> decode: http://www.ebb.org/ungeek/ about: http://www.geekcode.com/geek.html
> On Thu, 21 Mar 2002, Richard S. Crawford wrote:
> > Tonight, in a desperate bid to free up some space on my hard drive, I went 
> > ahead and created a new directory on my huge unused /u2 partition called 
> > bin.  Then I copied everything from /bin to /u2/bin.  Then I deleted /bin 
> > and created a symbolic link from /bin -> /u2/bin.
> > 
> > Then I rebooted.
> > 
> > Shit.
> > 
> > This probably won't be too hard to recover from.  But if anyone else has 
> > any advice on how to free up hard drive space that doesn't involve tricks 
> > that will make my computer forget how to start up, I'm all ears... or 
> > eyes... or something.  Right now, doing df -h reveals that / is at 100% 
> > capacity.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Sliante,
> > Richard S. Crawford
> > 
> > http://www.mossroot.com
> > AIM: Buffalo2K   ICQ: 11646404  Y!: rscrawford
> > 
> > "It is only with the heart that we see rightly; what is essential is 
> > invisible to the eye."  --Antoine de Saint Exupéry
> > 
> > "Push the button, Max!"
> > 
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