ME wrote:

> On Sun, 24 Mar 2002, eric nelson wrote:
> > Its not panicking.  I'm doing an nfs mount of the os, and something went
> > wrong init the initscripts.  The shift-pageup is a really good idea, I didn't
> > know about that.  The problem is that so many errors spewed out that I
> > coulldn't get far enough back.
> You doing network booting of a client with an NFS root from a server?
> We have about 80 diskless workstations doing net-booting here from the
> same "ro" NFS export. What specific errors are being reported?

First, something about mount program didn't pass correct address, then
RPC: sendmsg returned error 101
nfs: RPC call returned error 101
.... over and over

There are so many errors, that I can't scroll back.  I'll need to redo the kernel
w/ the option Peter Jay Salzman mentioned.

I'm not doing the kind of mount straight from the bios, but I want to learn how to
do that one, later.  I have a boot floppy which loads a kernel, then gets an
address from dhcp server, then mounts on nfs.  I'm sure the problem is in init
scripts, or fstab or something.

It's good to know someone is doing this, it's a great approach.

> -ME
> Version: 3.12
> GCS/CM$/IT$/LS$/S/O$ !d--(++) !s !a+++(-----) C++$(++++) U++++$(+$) P+$>+++
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> t@-(++) 5+@ X@ R- tv- b++ DI+++ D+ G--@ e+>++>++++ h(++)>+ r*>? z?
> ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
> decode: about:
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