I would start by booting up and checking out the BIOS. See if there is a
setting for auto-probing your installed CPU to report how many and of what
kind are installed.

Any missing CPU or mis-reported CPU should be treated as suspect and
possibly re-seated.

Another thought... if the fan/cooler-plate for the CPU is not making good
contact with the CPU, you may end up with over-heating. If this occurs,
could the Intel based CPU speed-step down the speed of the CPU to bring it
withing acceptable temperature? *and* if this happens on a multi-processor
system with one processor running at a stepped speed lower than the rest,
could this pose a problem for the board and OS?

Ideas to check... wheeeee, isn't this fun?


Version: 3.12
GCS/CM$/IT$/LS$/S/O$ !d--(++) !s !a+++(-----) C++$(++++) U++++$(+$) P+$>+++ 
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decode: http://www.ebb.org/ungeek/ about: http://www.geekcode.com/geek.html
     Systems Department Operating Systems Analyst for the SSU Library

On Tue, 2 Apr 2002, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> i unplugged the processors from my dual celery 550 to change the fans
> which were failing, and i get this same message too.  pressing F1 works
> to get the machine past this bios message.
> so if anyone knows the answer, please post it!  i'm interested in the
> answer myself.
> pete
> begin Richard S. Crawford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > In our corner of Dixon, the power goes out if someone looks at a power
> > line funny.  It happened earlier today, just a blink in the power.
> > 
> > I was away from my computer at the moment.  When I got back, I saw that
> > my computer had been forced to reboot.  The boot process had stalled,
> > though, with the following message:
> > 
> > CPU IS UNWORKABLE OR HAS CHANGED -- Please rescan now
> > 
> > (It's a dual-processor system)
> > 
> > I pressed F1 and was able to finish booting just fine.  The computer
> > runs both win2k and Linux without any change in performance from before,
> > and there is no sign that the computer is slower or not working or
> > anything.  What does this mean, and how do I fix it?  I am by no stretch
> > of the imagination a hardware guy; I can hook up a printer and install a
> > CD-ROM drive and a couple of memory chips if absolutely necessary, but I
> > much prefer not to mess with my computer's guts.
> > 
> > Any thoughts?  Prayers?
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