begin Shawn P. Neugebauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> generally, selection behavior is application-specific.

hi shawn,

ahh.  this makes sense.

> for example, given
> "Z = 2.96688494e+05" in a Konsole, a double-click selects "2.96688494e";
> in a KDE compose window, a double-click selects "2.96688494e+05".  
> it's unlikely you would be able to significantly modify this behavior in your
> applications-of-interest without substantial coding work.
> shawn.
that's a shame.  so much effort has gone into something like widget
attributes when the fact is, i don't really care what "skin" by browser
has or whether the title bar is burnt-siena or brushed-glowing-steel.
this would've been something of substantial value to me.   i'm in the
position of cut and pasting hundreds of numbers into a spread sheet and
double clicking would be easier than click, move mouse, release.

but i see what you mean -- it's the application that should determine
what a mouse click does, not the X server.

btw, what exactly is a KDE compose window?  is that like an xterm?  an
html editor?


> On Tuesday 09 April 2002 12:28 pm, you wrote:
> > is there a way to modify the selection behavior of the mouse under X?
> >
> > for instance, in this line:
> >
> > Z = 2.96688494e+05
> >
> > by double clicking, i can select "96688494e".  by triple clicking i get
> > the entire line of the xterm.  it's more useful for me for the selection
> > to be based on spaces rather than punctuation.
> >
> > is there a way to modify X's mouse behavior so that a double click will
> > select the whole number  "2.96688494e+05"?
> >
> > also, IP numbers have the same problem:
> >
> > nameserver
> >
> > it would be nice to be able to select a whole IP number rather than just
> > a quad (or a period depending on where you click).
> >
> > pete
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