On Thu, Apr 18, 2002 at 08:29:14PM -0700, Stephen M. Helms wrote:
> Is anyone interested?  If so, let me know what days/times would be good.  
> Also, we need to discuss a topic.

  This weekend is bad.
> I for one would love to learn even more about 
> debian package management system, both how to make a package and how to 
> setup a debian mirror or partial mirror (apt-move and apt-proxy I 
> believe).  I should have a system with enough disk space now.

  I didn't know there were packages that did this now... but I guess it's
been over a year so I should recheck...

When scanning:
  apt-cache search Debian | grep mirror

  I just checked out the apt-move and apt-proxy, their main objectives
appear to have not been a mirror system, the first was to maintain your
own apt-get able area which can be used to supplement the up-stream's
(by overriding some packages with versions you compiled).  The proxy
one appears to have been built to reduce the bandwidth needs of having
hundreds of machines apt-get'ing ... by mirroring only the files requested.
  Both commands appear to have feature crept into a full mirror building

"debmirror" appears to be more appropriate if you only want to mirror... 
because that is all it does.

  What I'm familiar with is a variant of debmirror which I pulled from
a site Joey Hess had made, at the time there was nothing packaged that
supported the "package pool", his script did.  
  I taught it to do resumes of ftp transfers, how to co-exist with a 
non-us tree in the same area, and a few other things.  I need to checkout 
the now packaged debmirror some more to see how much it differs from
my little scripts.

  So anyway before doing a mini-talk about Debian mirrors I should review 
what's available now...


> Well, I talked with Jennifer and she is alright with me having people
> over to the house a couple of times a month.

  Better be careful, pretty soon you'll have the Vacaville LUG forming
at your place.  ;)
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