On Tue, Apr 23, 2002 at 05:10:13PM -0700, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> \linebreak[0]: if it's convenient, please consider line breaking here.
> \linebreak[1]: please line break here.
> \linebreak[2]: line break here.
> \linebreak[3]: you better line break here or there's hell to pay
> \linebreak[4]: hello latex, this is god speaking. thou shalt line break.

Hmm.. this doesn't do much for me.  I'm not in control of the data
being sent.  (In this case, if the people making the data would need
to go through the trouble of inserting a "\linebreak" command, they
may as well just stick a space in there instead, since it will Do The Right
Thing, anyway.  -  I'm thinking this is what I'm going to have to have
them do.)

I'll dig a little more. Thanks for the suggestions WRT the books.
I'll see if someone at work here can ok a purchase. :)
(I've been borrowing someone's "A Guide To LaTeX" by
Helmut Kopka & Patrieck Daly)

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