On Wed, Apr 24, 2002 at 11:48:06AM -0700, nbs wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 24, 2002 at 02:17:10PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I was thinking some information about the machine should be included 
> > on the website.  
> There actually is:
>   http://www.lugod.org/projects/demo/computer.php

  Oh cool.  I figured it was there, but I didn't look long enough.

  I had skimmed around the main page and some few links off of that,
before resorting to the search engine.

  I guess in reality I had a small issue with the search engine... it
doesn't have a "exclude mailing lists" option.

  My search for "demo machine" returned a bunch of meeting notes followed
by a couple [vox-tech] posts... so I when back to exclude the mailing
lists from the search (which wasn't an option), so I selected each
search option that was not the "mailing lists" and did searches one after
the other.

  After rechecking the search engine with "entire site", and looking
through the four pages returned I see the page you mentioned above.

> It's linked-to off of the main demo page (under "Demo Computer" paragraph):

Should have resorted to my typical (for sites without search links)
  "mkdir foo; cd foo; wget -m -k -np $url; 
   find -type f -print 0 | xargs -0 grep -lZ $word1 | 
     xargs -0 grep -l $word1 > list"
... which did briefly cross my mind, but I know the mailing lists are
archived somewhere on the website and I would need to figure for the 
correct exclude list, which seemed like too much effort.  ;)
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