I have set aside about 17GB for the /home directory. 

I will be using a small router with a four port switch with DHCP set up.

My question was very incomplete here it is.

1       Should I set up the ftp directory in the /home or in a different directory
2       How much space will I need.
3       I am not sure how to set this up. I was looking at jigdo-file, but I am not 
sure if that is the correct direction to go.
4       I plan to have non-Debian files available for download such as patches for 
Red Hat and for Laptops the fiels and configuration scripts from 

I will also want to use this machine for other purposes, but got the larger 
hardrive so I couls set it up for InstallFests. 

I am good with the Network side, but have not set up a server yet so I hope 
this will make my intentions clear.


On Wednesday 26 June 2002 06:07 pm, you wrote:
> On Wed, 26 Jun 2002, Rusty Minden wrote:
> > I am re-doing my laptop settings for my new laptop this will be so that I
> > can use it at the IF for network installs. I will set my NTFS partition
> > to 12GB (No comments from the peanut gallerie please I need it for
> > school) and SWAP to 256MB / to 10GB an the rest to /home for the files
> > (Unless I should have a separate directory for the Debian images?). I
> > would like to use the laptop at the IF because it is more portable that
> > the LUGOD machine and so long as I am there it will be too.
> I don't know why you bring up directories in a discussion of
> partitioning... and you don't say how big the /home will be.
> Of more interest to me is how the network will be set up... if the LUGOD
> machine isn't there to hand out dhcp assignments, will you use static
> addresses or set up dhcpd yourself?  Are you planning to be prepared to
> use two network cards in the laptop and masquerade out through an assigned
> dhcp address from the campus so we can google for problem solutions from
> more than one box?
> Of course, you will want to setup an anonymous ftp server and put the
> debian packages in the ftp directory tree.
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> Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go Live...
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