On Tuesday 01 October 2002 06:28 pm, Bill Broadley wrote:
> I just installed redhat-8.0 on a couple machines, most notable
> a rather cranky Dell Inspiron 8000.

it's good to know someone else on the list has one of these.
not infrequently, i've wrestled with linux/redhat on my I8K.

> Under redhat-7.X wireless was painful, APM didn't work, 3d didn't work,
> printing sucked (to an HP deskjet 990), I don't think sound worked.

Hmmm...having been through the wireless thing several times
recently, I think the pain depends on the version.  RH7.3 in particular
is, I think, better than the others--not too hard, but far from
"plug-and-play."  Also, sound should have worked out of the box, no problem.
3D also should have worked in RH7.3, but it causes a hang if you resume
from a suspend; I usually have it disabled. :(

> * 2d required some tweaking of the config file

really?  it's worked out-of-the-box with 7.X as long as I can remember.

> * 3d "just worked"...

have you tried to suspend?  and resume?

wow, the "just worked" list is cool.  and this is only a X.0 release, so
minor things will get fixed (like the need to tweak to get 2D going).

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