Just type, in a file called "myreport.tex":

   \documentclass{report}     % you can also use "article" or "book"
   \usepackage{doublespace}   % for ENL courses, you'll want this

      \title{My Title}        % set document title
      \author{Gabriel Rosa}   % set your name
%      \date{\today}           % this is default so you don't need it
      \maketitle              % make the first page title

      Blah blah \emph{really} blah,
      then blah blah \strong{really really} blahed.


Then, from the command line, type:

   latex myreport.tex   # first to generate cross references
   latex myreport.tex   # second to apply cross references
   latex myreport.tex   # and third for a safe measure
   dvips -f myreport.dvi -o myreport.ps   # generate PS from DVI
   lpr myreport.ps      # and print!

If you want previews:

   xdvi myreport.dvi

or use gv with "consistently check file for changes" (or whatever it's
called) option so you don't have to rerun gv everytime you want to view
your changes.  I prefer gv over xdvi because PS files are stand-alone
whereas DVI requires external resources (ie, if you include pictures, DVI
requires you keep the picture around so it can grab the file when it
displays the document) and it's more of an exact replica of what you'll
see when it's printed.  Using a makefile so you don't have to type all
these commands all the time is a good idea.

Everything else, you can learn one at a time... TOC, indexing,
cross-referencing, figures, tables, chapters, sections, subsections,
drawings, graphics, etc., etc., etc.  And oh yeah -- `xfig` is your


On Wed, 27 Nov 2002, Gabriel Rosa wrote:

> hey all,
> can anyone recommend a good latex tutorial or book? I've never really done
> any work with it, but I'll be writing a paper in the next couple of weeks
> that needs to be formated for print.
> thanks,
> -Gabe
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Mark K. Kim
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