Thanks Pete.  For what it's worth I had emailed Ms. Meizel 
two months ago, having seen her name mentioned in the
Enterprise regarding her dissatisfaction with the school
board's mis-handling of computer security decisions and its
negative impact on use of non-Windows platforms.  My email 
was an offer to help in a couple of ways.  I thought it was
nicely worded and more than worthy of a reply.

She never replied.  Perhaps I had the wrong email address.
Perhaps her email service has a problem.  I guess it's 
possible, but there was no bounce.

On another note, thank you for the high praise -- but you
should all know that it's been very easy and inexpensive for
me to provide a server for LUGOD.  I know that others have
contributed much more than I have.


-- Rod

On Thursday 05 December 2002 11:32 am, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> addenda:
> 1.
> the rooms we wanted to use were *empty* most of the time.  there were a
> number of them, and they were hardly used.  i think the council just
> needed a little push to give us our request.
> 2.
> this is about the time richard lowenberg of DCN started talking with
> LUGOD.  he actually came to the council meeting with us.  although we
> hadn't really done anything with DCN at that time (we have since had a
> very good and productive relationship with DCN) he came with us and sat
> in our corner.  he even consoled us when we got turned down.  richard
> and DCN has been a very good friend to LUGOD.
> 3.
> this is also the time that joel baumert and zworld came to our rescue
> with the meeting space at zworld.
> i can't say enough good things about joel; to even try would be doomed
> to failure.  but i will say this: joel and you (rod) are the two people
> who have made some of the biggest differences to LUGOD.
> when things got really bad and seemed hopeless, i was ready to give up
> and declare LUGOD dead.  rod came through with LUGOD's mailing list and
> web hosting.  joel came through with a meeting place when our membership
> swelled to 50 and more.
> in my heart, i wish there were more we could do for joel, zworld, rod
> and sunset systems.  it's safe to say that LUGOD would be a shadow of
> what it is right now without these people.
> now if i can only find someone to donate a projector...   ;-)
> pete
> begin Peter Jay Salzman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > i'll write a piece on this.  i've been meaning to do it for a long time
> > now.  the general gist of it is that we had some very good hardware
> > donated to the local high school where she works.
> >
> > a month or two later we were trying to convince the city of davis to
> > give us a room for our meetings.  we wanted someone to be there to say
> > "look at what lugod has done.  they're good for the city.  they've done
> > all this good stuff for us.  it's in the city's best interest to help
> > this fledging group out.  they're doing good work and will be good for
> > the city of davis.".
> >
> > not only did she not say "yes", she didn't even have the courtesy of
> > saying "no".  she simply ignored repeated pleas by bill and i to help us
> > out.
> >
> > we ended up going to the city council with nobody to vouch that we had
> > done anything worthwhile for the city.  she knew the council members.
> > she was friends with them.  they would've listened to her.
> >
> > in the end, the council denied our request.  things were getting very
> > urgent for us because our membership had swelled to about 30 at the
> > time, and we were seriously cramped for meeting space at the local pizza
> > joint that we were holding meetings at.  it was so bad that we were
> > getting ready to start telling people NOT to come to our meetings
> > because we simply didn't have room for everyone.
> >
> > that had really hurt us.  especially after the hardware donations from
> > VA Linux that we had arranged.
> >
> >
> > there were other things too.
> >
> >
> > we figured that after the hardware donations we'd have people go to the
> > local highschool and have "after school" classes on things like system
> > administration, networking, and programming.  we'd have people come to
> > give classes, talks and help students become acquainted with linux and
> > the kinds of fun stuff that you can do with linux.  we were really
> > looking forward to it, since a high school is a perfect venue for that
> > kind of thing.  it was really good linux advocacy, which is what lugod
> > does best.
> >
> > in the end, we got some really good members from the high school like
> > ryan and gabe.  but frankly, ryan and gabe would be special people
> > whether lugod existed or not.  some people are just like that.  we had
> > wanted to reach the people who may not have had the fortune of getting
> > to know linux.  the potential for new members and new converts to linux
> > from microsoft was vast.  we were totally optimistic: bigger meeting
> > room, high quality people from the highschool and a huge influx of new
> > linux converts.
> >
> > before the hardware donations, she loved the idea and seemed totally
> > excited about it.   after the donations, she sent one or two emails
> > about the idea and then ignored all other contact we made with her.
> >
> >
> > there were other things too.
> >
> >
> > then there were reports that people were denied access to the machines
> > that were donated.  i don't know the details, but there were concerns
> > raised over who was getting access to the hardware and for what
> > purposes.  we wanted shell accounts for everyone so people could play
> > with linux.  maybe a webserver to help teach people how to admin apache
> > installations.  we never intended the machines to be used by a small
> > select group of people.  linux isn't about "special groups of people",
> > and neither is education.
> >
> > again, we tried to contact her to find out what was happening.  again,
> > she didn't even have the courtesy to reply.  dead silence.  even if our
> > concerns were groundless, i don't think we deserved to be ignored.
> >
> >
> > there were other things too.
> >
> >
> > anyway, this is starting to become the piece i was intending to write.
> > i'll just end it here and write the story up in the next few days.  i'll
> > email the list when i'm done.
> >
> >
> > i don't think any one person has ignored as many of my emails as janet
> > meizel.  she was our best friend before the donations and wanted to have
> > nothing to do with us after the donations.
> >
> > that's why i find it ironic that she had requested lert service.
> >
> > pete
> >
> >
> >
> > begin Rod Roark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > > Why did LUGOD need her?  What did she do?
> > >
> > > -- Rod
> > >
> > > On Thursday 05 December 2002 10:15 am, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> > > > nobody has treated LUGOD worse than janet meizel.  she totally
> > > > snubbed us when we needed her most.
> > > >
> > > > she backstabbed LUGOD, a non-profit organization that gets computers
> > > > donated to the local highschool and tons of modern computer books to
> > > > an aging public's shameful.
> > > >
> > > > i find it funny she asked for LERT assistance.  the woman has balls,
> > > > that's for sure.

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