This is a bug in mozilla. There are many google references
to it. (images not 'aligning' correctly)

As far as the <hr>...

You could try to change the  <hr size=1 noshade> to <hr
size=1 width='100%' noshade>.

This would ensure that the hr would be 100% inside the
table cell.

-- Andy

--- Bill Kendrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just noticed that the news items on the front page of
> my
> site renders strangely.
> Notice how each newsitem is indented on the right more
> and more.
> I'm familiar with this oddness (from Netscape 4 and other
> browsers)
> when you have multiple images aligned the same way.
> e.g., if there's not enough verticle clearance between
> them, they line up
> like so:
>    -----. /\
>    --. /\ \/
>        \/
> rather than:
>    ----- /\
>    ---.  \/
>    --.   /\
>          \/
> The solution I was familiar with (and I could be wrong,
> seeing as it
> doesn't work in Mozilla; although it does seem to make
> all other browsers
> I've tried happy) is to use a "clear=all" attribute to a
> benign tag,
> like <br>:
> So, instead of having just this, which could cause the
> 2nd image to
> be crammed in further to the left:
>   <img src="foo.png" align=right>
>   This text appears on the left of the FOO image.<p>
>   <img src="bar.png" align=right>
>   This text appears on the left of the BAR image.
> ... You have this:
>   <img src="foo.png" align=right>
>   This text appears on the left of the FOO image.<p>
>   <br clear=all><!-- This magic keeps 'bar.png' aligned
> with 'foo.png' -->
>   <img src="bar.png" align=right>
>   This text appears on the left of the BAR image.
>   <br clear=all><!-- a good habit -->
> However, as I said, this isn't working in Mozilla.
> Instead, I'm getting:
>   # Tux Paint speaks Chinese - Jan. 6, 2003           
> ########
>   The latest release of Tux Paint includes a fix for  
> ########
>   printing in Windows, updated Spanish                
> ########
>   documentation, and support for                      
> ########
>   Chinese (Simplified)!
> this horiz. rule
>   --------------------------------------------------  <--
> doesn't extend
> all the way, either!
>   # Tux Paint demos                       ########
>     in Northern California -              ########
>     Dec. 29, 2002                         ########
>                                           ########
>     Bill Kendrick, lead developer of
>     Tux Paint, will be demonstrating
>     Tux Paint at the January 9th
>     meeting of the Davis Mac Users
>     Group, the January 14th meeting
>     of the North Bay Linux Users'
>     Group in Sebastopol, and the
>     January 15th meeting of the
>     Sacramento PC Users' Group.
>   ----------------------------------    <-- even worse! 
> more indented!
>   # Tux Paint       ########
>     0.9.2 for       ########
>     Windows -       ########
>     Dec. 19, 2002   ########
>     Last week's
>     release of Tux
>     Paint, and the
>     most recent
>     Stamps
>     collection are
>     available for
>     Windows.
> Notice that the images don't extend below the text at all
> in any of the
> blocks, so even WITHOUT a "<br clear=all>", the
> horizontal rules, and the
> text and right-align images below them should extend all
> the way to the
> right.
> What's up!?  Is it a bug in the version of Mozilla I'm
> using?
> Does anyone see the same weirdness in other browsers?
> (I don't in IE 5.x, Netscape 4.x, Konqueror 2.x, Opera
> 5.x.)
> I'm using:
>   Mozilla 1.0
>   Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.0.0)
>   Gecko/20020623 Debian/1.0.0-0.woody.1
> Thanks in advance!
> -bill!
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