> On Tue, Jan 14, 2003 at 06:16:35PM -0800, Robin Snyder wrote:
> > I have been unable to get X running on my machine with an Intel 82810
> > graphics card.  I'm running the woody version of Debian, with kernel
> > 2.4.18.  Below, I have an earlier posting to this list about the problem
> > if you want to see the details.  I'm wondering if I should just go out and
> > buy a different graphics card, one that's been around longer and that is
> > more easily accommodated by set-up programs.  Questions:  Do people think
> > this is the best approach?  (I'm at wit's end.)  If so, what should I buy,
> > and where's a good place to buy it?  If not, is this something that folks
> > at the installfest should be able to help me with?
> Robin,
>   I've seen plenty of i810 graphics cards work.  If I remember correctly
> there is a kernel module called agpart or something that needs to be
> loaded (which reserves system memory for the chipset which comes with none)
> to be able to use that card.  So I don't think buying another card is
> needed.
>   The installfest should be able to get that card working... I recommend
> taking it there this coming Sunday if you don't get the card working
> in the meantime.
>     TTFN,
>       Mike


there is an i810 howto.  i assume this is the graphics chipset you're
talking about.  look in /usr/share/doc/HOWTO/en-txt/.  if it's not
there, you can "apt-get linux-doc" (i think) or go to (for


First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you,
then you win. -- Gandhi, being prophetic about Linux.

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