Quoting Peter Jay Salzman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> http://lugod.org/presentations/heterogenous.html talks about sharing
> files ("fileshares") on linux to mac, but i'm not seeing anything about
> forwarding X displays to a mac desktop.

If you literally need X11 forwarded, as such, to the MacOS X desktop,
then you need to install an X11 subsystem on MacOS X, in order to have
an X11 server piece in place and running, there.  Options are available
from the XFree86 Project, Tenon, and (very recently) Apple itself.

On the other hand, if what you need is more-generically remote graphics
from Linux/X11 imaged onto MacOS X, then VNC is the obvious solution.

Cheers,     "There is hardly anything in the world that some man cannot make a 
Rick Moen   little worse and sell a little cheaper, and the people who consider
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  price only are this man's lawful prey." - J. Ruskin (attr.)
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