On Sat, Jan 25, 2003 at 03:53:34PM -0800, Katie wrote:
> problem #2 of ??????? :-)
> So now I'm trying to install pico.  I downloaded it and tried
> installation through KPackage, but was told I needed:
> libtinfo.so.5
> I looked it up on rpmfind and it said it was contained in 
> ncurses-5.2-34.i686(ori386).rpm
> which I downloaded, but when I tried to install it I got:
> <ome/katie/.kpackage/ncurses-5.2-34.i686.rpm;echo RESULT=$?
> error: failed dependencies:
>       libncurses5 = 5.2 is needed by libncurses5-devel-5.2-27mdk
>       libncurses5 >= 5.2 is needed by php-readline-4.2.3-1mdk
>       libncurses5 is needed by scli-0.2.9-2mdk
>       libpanel.so.5   is needed by python-2.2.1-13mdk
> This doesn't make sense to me.  What do I do?

Is this an install of RedHat or Mandrake Linux?

It looks like you are trying to install a redhat rpm on a mandrake
installation.  Although RPMs built for on a different distribution often
work fine, you're best finding one for your particular flavor.

This problem also might come up if you try to install an RPM vs.
upgrading it.

Install: rpm -i
Upgrade: rpm -U

Upgrade will install it if it's not yet installed so i've gotten in the
habit of:

rpm -Uvh <package>

(actually, i've gotten in the more recent habit of 'apt-get install',
but that's a different story...)

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