On Fri, Jan 31, 2003 at 12:15:05AM -0800, Rusty Minden wrote:
> I am having some trouble with an update I have done to KDE 3.1. Below is
> the error list I am not sure were to begin either to remove all of KDE and
> start fresh or to fix the trouble. I hope this is not to long a message.
<snip that VERY VERY long message ;^) >

Going from what version of KDE to 3.1?  And on what branch of Debian?

I haven't been paying the most attention (just archiving what I think will
be useful to continue working on the kiosk box for DCN & Omsoft),
but I've seen some people posting problems (and others posting answers)
on the "debian-kde" mailing list.

I'd need to go dig it up (but I'll let you do that, since it's 3am and
I wanted to go to bed many hours ago :^) ), but I think someone said
apt-get remove'ing kdebase and arts, and then apt-get install'ing them
settles this.

However, I COULD be remembering this ENTIRELY wrong, and even if I do have
that right, it could only be applicable to a certain branch of Debian
(Sid vs Woody), or when upgrading from a certain version of KDE (2.2.2 vs 3.0.5)

Good luck!  Let us know how it turns out (and what versions you're using!)

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