On Saturday 01 February 2003 01:38 am, Jeff Newmiller wrote:
> On Fri, 31 Jan 2003, Rod Roark wrote:
> > ...
> Go look on your meter face for a number labelled Kh.  A typical value is
> 7.2.  Units are Watt-hours per revolution.

Aha!  You're right, it says 7.2.  My original estimate was
very crude, and everything else on the meter was powers of
10... well never mind.

> ...
> Assuming you have a regular meter like mine, the calculation should yield
> 810W - 576W = 234W, which could be reasonable. I don't know what kind of
> light bulb you used... torchiers output is often adjustable.

It was your basic 50-200-250W 3-way filament bulb in a floor
lamp.  Also note that if my first reading was 1 second lower
then we would compute 260W, not 234W -- so we're well within
experimental error.

> Beware of
> "hidden loads" too... a refrigerator kicking off or on toward the end of
> your measurement interval can reduce or increase respectively your
> apparent load.

Yup, I had unplugged the fridge.

Anyway, this was EXACTLY the kind of help I was looking for.
Jeff, it's because of people like you that LUGOD rocks!


-- Rod

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