On Thu, Feb 27, 2003 at 01:33:15PM -0800, Ryan wrote:
> On this machine the drive comes up right away as having 32MB. It's an old
> motherboard, 1995 or so and even after I specified in the BIOS the number of
> heads and cylinders there is another option in the BIOS that says Max Size: 8GB
> So when I went and did an fdisk/mkfs,  the size of the drive is 32GB. Everything
> works fine, I just want my 10 extra gigs. So I should be able to get around the
> BIOS issue in linux?
> > - So have you tried booting Linux on that machine?
> > - Does the BIOS hang when you try to detect the drive size, or just
> >   mis-report the drive size?

  So this is getting confusing, you have not said how big the drive
really is... from what I gather you think it is 42 Gig.

  I'm not sure if you answered my first question about if you had tried
booting that drive in Linux.  It's unclear but I think you say you did
boot in Linux.

Can you do the following:
        Boot the machine into Linux
        Mail the output from the following commands:
        uname -a
        dmesg | grep ^hd
        cat /proc/partitions
        cat /proc/ide/hd*/[cg]*y
        for x in a b c d; do hdparm -i /dev/hd$x; done
        for x in a b c d; do fdisk -l /dev/hd$x; done

  If you have problems with any of those commands mail the output you
can and error messages you get for the rest.

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