On Sat, Mar 15, 2003 at 10:52:46PM +0000, Bryce Kuklok wrote:
> - Describe what you mean by toolbars...
>  (top and bottom of the window? has a little footprint in bottom left?) top 
> and bottom, all i have is a desktop with a trash icon and a home directory 
> icon. alt-f2 isn't doing anything and i tried rm -rf .gnome* to no avail.


  I'm away from a graphical setup right now, I'll try to follow this
email up with more detail tomorrow when I get setup at the installfest.

  Okay thanks for the details... I would not have recommended the rm
-rf, if you need to do something like that next time, make a directory
like "~/crap" then mv the files you want to get rid of into that
directory... since if the rm doesn't work it could mess things that were
working up worse than before.  at least with mv they are not in the way

  The program that manages the top and bottom control panel is called
'gpanel', if you can start up a xterm you should be able to run gpanel
and they will appear.  Once you have a panel running, it should be
safe to logout and logback in... if your system is acting okay the
panel will continue be started when you log in.  If you have trouble
running an xterm (because you don't have the panel running, there are
some hot keys that will help but I don't have them memorized and will
have to check what they are later).

  If nothing else was changed it is likely that the staroffice installer
messed up your gnome session configuration in some way that prevents
the panel from starting correctly.  If you cd into your home directory
and 'ls -ltra' that will show you all files and sorted by youngest last,
look for a file like '.xsession-errors' or '.gnome-session' or such that
was changed recently (should be towards the bottom of the list), if you
see any look in them to see if any useful error messages about the panel
happen.  If the steps above don't help and you see stuff of interest in
the log files, send them along to the list...

      Mike Simons
vox-tech mailing list

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