On Fri, Mar 21, 2003 at 03:41:39PM -0800, Tim Riley wrote:
> "Micah J. Cowan" wrote:
> > On Fri, Mar 21, 2003 at 02:45:37PM -0800, Tim Riley wrote:
> > >
> <snip>
> >   void **memory;
> >   memory = calloc(1, sizeof *memory);
> >   if (*memory) ...
> >
> vs.
> PERSON *person = (PERSON *)calloc( 1, sizeof( PERSON ) );
> if ( person->zip_code )
> {
>     printf( "The zip code is populated with %s\n",
>             person->zip_code );
> }
> My assertion is that the sky is blue, and your argument is
> no, the grass is green.

Do you even bother to read my posts? The above quote from me was *not*
an example of how to initialize (*memory) to NULL. Read the context.

This thread is over. I am rather insulted that you have repeatedly
refused to read what I write, assuming that I've said whatever you
thought I was going to say, and quoting me out of context.

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