On Fri, Apr 04, 2003 at 03:53:49PM -0800, Robin Snyder wrote:
> > From: Mike Simons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: [vox-tech] Re: Logitech mouseman and XF86Config-4
> >   Okay so the ideal situation is we find a mouse protocol that "gpm"
> > can use for both mice... we know that imps2 does works with the logitech
> > but not RemotePoint, we know that ps2 works with the RemotePoint but not
> > logitech.
> I tried switching the device in /etc/gpm.conf to /dev/autops2,


  I'm sorry but you were supposed to change the 'type=' line in
/etc/gpm.conf, not 'device='.  I see it is not clear from anything I
wrote line in the gpm.conf file you were supposed to change.  Please 
look in my last email for the list of protocol types to use and try 
again.  Let me know what you find...

      Mike Simons

  I'm beginning to think that ps2 and imps2 protocols are incompatible,
do to some testing I was doing here today.  I'm thinking about
a another solution of getting them both working.  I'll have to do
some tests on a machine here first before commenting, since the lag 
time here is becoming intolerable, fortunately I have mice available 
that support both imps2 and ps2.  Getting something working here and
pasting the results on vox-tech may be less painful.
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