> Message: 3
> Date: Thu, 29 May 2003 15:44:03 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Alexandra Thorn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [vox-tech] Linux graphing software?
> As I get to actually finishing up with my masters's thesis, I'm starting
> to think about ways to actually present my data.  I'm wondering if anyone
> out there has some recommendations of some relatively accessible Linux
> softward for creating pretty scatterplots of real data.  In the past I've
> tended to use MSExcel for this sort of thing but would like to shake that
> habit for obvious reasons.
> Thanks,
> Alex

The OpenOffice Calc program is very similar to MS Excel.  I've never
used it for graphs, other than checking to see that it has the ability
to do so before sending this email.  Like the rest of the program, the
graph function works much like Excel, but without some of the bells and
whistles.  IMHO OpenOffice is very easy to use.


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