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On Sun, Jun 01, 2003 at 12:47:53PM -0700, Henry House wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 01, 2003 at 12:19:58PM -0700, Nick Donnelly wrote:
> > I still have an intact /var/lib/dpkg/status.
> > What should my next command be?

apt-get install --reinstall=20
  `dpkg --get-selections | awk '/[^e]install$/ { print $1 }'`

  That should do it... since you say you have status the stuff inside the
back quotes will get a complete list of everything currently marked as
installed, and have apt-get reinstall them.

  Let me know if that doesn't work...

> * I believe Mike has a post in the archives somewhere about the excellent
>   trick of recovering a missing /var/lib/dpkg by exploiting Debian's
>   requirement that all packages must have an entry in /usr/share/doc.

  I think there have been a few items like this on the list, but most
people have blown away /var/lib/dpkg ... so the step about wouldn't=20
have been suggested.  :)

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