On Sun 08 Jun 03,  2:40 PM, ME <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> Peter Jay Salzman said:
> > i'd like to download the movie from:
> >
> >    http://www.petatv.com/tvpopup/Prefs.asp?video=mym2002
> >
> > but the movie is embedded in some kind of window so that i can't really
> > see its proper URL.
> >
> > is it possible to download this movie?
> Choosing QT, slectinbg next, looking at source, i see:
> http://www.petatv.com/al_jazeera_low.mov
>  refed.
> using wget or netscape i can dl that url
> I looks like some silly thing about pets having sex.
> Was that what you wanted?

heh.  not really.  :)   not quite sure a reference to that .mov is on
the page.   :)  the first few words of the movie should be "what you're
about to see..."

i suspect what i want looks something like:


but i don't recognize this kind of url.  could this be some kind of
proxy?  i tried to download
peta.download.akamai.com/9135/mym2002_med.mov but got a "forbidden"
access error.


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